Adult Classes Drawing Enroll: Fundamentals of Drawing Enroll: Drawing Workshops Enroll: Independent Study Drawing Animal Life Enroll Drawing Objects with Ease Enroll Drawing with Imagination Enroll Learn to Draw Faces Enroll Learn to Draw Figures Enroll Nature's Sketchbook Enroll Painting Enroll: Fundamentals of Painting Enroll: Painting Workshops Enroll: Independent Study The Freedom of Abstract Enroll Paint Compelling Portraits Enroll Paint Dynamic Figures Enroll Painting Animal Life Enroll Painting the Natural World Enroll Paint Your Wildest Dreams Enroll Fused Glass Enroll: Fused Glass Workshops Enroll: Independent Study Breaking the 1/4 Rule: Intermediate Enroll Color & Composition: Beginner Enroll Decorative Glass Art: Beginner Enroll Form & Function: Intermediate Enroll Fused Glass Jewelry: Beginner Enroll Painting with Glass: Intermediate Enroll